Online forums, blogs, articles on
Homosexuality and Ethiopia
Although it's not in big extent, it's noticeable. Even if for the most part it's dreary, it's praiseworthy. Lately, few Ethiopian websites/blogs are giving due attention to homosexuality in Ethiopia. Be it for a positive outcome or merely just to discourse, my admiration goes for the darers to instigating the issue.
It wouldn't be a tall tale at all, if one evoke, homosexuality is becoming more common in our society than prior days, after observing recent developments.
The other day while I was just browsing on Ethiopian GLBT related links, I have come across an interesting results I haven't seen before and thought, there could be others who have missed it like me, so why not put them all together here - both the known and unknowns.
Apparently, in the forums, most discussions lack decency and civility especially due to ultra-conservatives' one-sided posture and hatred. But this is not the case on CyberEthiopia website in the Warka Forum section. Entitled 'Homosexuality...what lies underneath,' the forum mainly tries to examine the cause of homosexuality and hence, encompass studies that try to reason out. And remarkably enough, one of the forum members forwarded EthioGLBT group's promotion message. (Thanks to whoever who did that). Read More
[For people in Addis, if you encounter difficulty with the above link, check it through Secure Tunnel, HERE.]
And we're all acquainted with this one and perhaps, have already had a say on it, as it might be the first to raise such issues on Ethiopian blog. Meskel Square's - Holding Hands article was one of the most popular, if not the leading, that grasped everybody's attention and made many to contribute their thoughts. Read More
Homosexuality and Ethiopia
Although it's not in big extent, it's noticeable. Even if for the most part it's dreary, it's praiseworthy. Lately, few Ethiopian websites/blogs are giving due attention to homosexuality in Ethiopia. Be it for a positive outcome or merely just to discourse, my admiration goes for the darers to instigating the issue.
It wouldn't be a tall tale at all, if one evoke, homosexuality is becoming more common in our society than prior days, after observing recent developments.
The other day while I was just browsing on Ethiopian GLBT related links, I have come across an interesting results I haven't seen before and thought, there could be others who have missed it like me, so why not put them all together here - both the known and unknowns.
Apparently, in the forums, most discussions lack decency and civility especially due to ultra-conservatives' one-sided posture and hatred. But this is not the case on CyberEthiopia website in the Warka Forum section. Entitled 'Homosexuality...what lies underneath,' the forum mainly tries to examine the cause of homosexuality and hence, encompass studies that try to reason out. And remarkably enough, one of the forum members forwarded EthioGLBT group's promotion message. (Thanks to whoever who did that). Read More
[For people in Addis, if you encounter difficulty with the above link, check it through Secure Tunnel, HERE.]
And we're all acquainted with this one and perhaps, have already had a say on it, as it might be the first to raise such issues on Ethiopian blog. Meskel Square's - Holding Hands article was one of the most popular, if not the leading, that grasped everybody's attention and made many to contribute their thoughts. Read More

Here are other miscellaneous links worth read-through:
Leoul Goshu on Nazret News Portal - The Young and the Homeless
First appeared on The Daily which then shortly, the Ethiopian News Portal, post it in it's EthioBlog. The piece portrays the hardship, a young gay Ethiopian had gone through in US and how he managed to stand up for his rights. But, in a while, his story envisioned another issue among readers. Issue if I can put it like, 'Ethiopia & Homosexuality'. As many as our homophobic citizens, many of the comments offered are negative. Read More
For viewers in Addis, check it here
My Fashion's Gay Ethiopians Behind the Mask - Meskel Square Review
On its third issue, the first glossy fashion magazine of the country dare to deal with minorities' way of life, no matter how the majority of the society try to overlook it. Here is Andrew Heavens, the man behind Meskel Square, analyzing My Fashion Magazine's article. Read More
Leoul Goshu on Seattle Times
- Students hope Day of Silence sends message loud and clear
Cara Solomon at the Seattle Times tells us how the National Silence Day had an impact to convey the message - tolerating the presence of GLBT youths in the society. Along with Leoul Goshu's personal experience and others, the author had a wide look on the pressure GLBT youths are challenging in their social life. Read More
Haile Selassie's view towards Homosexuals, a Pro-Rastafariansim website, extraordinarily raise an issue, whether the Emperor was against homosexuality or not during his rule. Look what it takes the enthusiastic members of the forum to come up with the conclusion. Read More
Wikipedia - Gay Rights in Ethiopia
Accurate information about Ethiopia's constitutional stance towards homosexuality. You can also find other related figures regarding the country's deal with homosexual. Read More
Homosexuality in Ethiopia
The original story first appeared on Behind the Mask website. A three parts commentary by a gay Ethiopian living in South Africa. He tells of threatening conditions and persecution of LGBT people in his native country. Read More
Ethiopian gays are organizing themselves in Washington D.C.
Sebastople, one of those behind said that "we feel proud to announce that the gay Ethiopians in D.C are busy preparing for the annual Ethiopian Gay Summit Pride parade on June 11 2005 at Washington DC...They feel its time that they raise a flag of their country with the gay flag alongside..." Read More
We are Gay and Ethiopian
In the struggle for gay equality, it's important to at least get others to listen to what we have to say. Not because we have to get a majority of people on our side: civil rights does not (or more accurately, isn't supposed to) depend on majority approval... Until we learn how to fight oppression systematically, all we can really do is... Read More
SGL Revolution in Addis Ababa
Here is a post fom the EthioGLBT yahoo group; a stunning report on how SGL life is taking more public and private space. The site emerged from the successful gayethiopians yahoo group with about 300 members, mostly in the diaspora and moderated in the US. Read More
Cara Solomon at the Seattle Times tells us how the National Silence Day had an impact to convey the message - tolerating the presence of GLBT youths in the society. Along with Leoul Goshu's personal experience and others, the author had a wide look on the pressure GLBT youths are challenging in their social life. Read More
Haile Selassie's view towards Homosexuals, a Pro-Rastafariansim website, extraordinarily raise an issue, whether the Emperor was against homosexuality or not during his rule. Look what it takes the enthusiastic members of the forum to come up with the conclusion. Read More
Wikipedia - Gay Rights in Ethiopia
Accurate information about Ethiopia's constitutional stance towards homosexuality. You can also find other related figures regarding the country's deal with homosexual. Read More
Homosexuality in Ethiopia
The original story first appeared on Behind the Mask website. A three parts commentary by a gay Ethiopian living in South Africa. He tells of threatening conditions and persecution of LGBT people in his native country. Read More
Ethiopian gays are organizing themselves in Washington D.C.
Sebastople, one of those behind said that "we feel proud to announce that the gay Ethiopians in D.C are busy preparing for the annual Ethiopian Gay Summit Pride parade on June 11 2005 at Washington DC...They feel its time that they raise a flag of their country with the gay flag alongside..." Read More
We are Gay and Ethiopian
In the struggle for gay equality, it's important to at least get others to listen to what we have to say. Not because we have to get a majority of people on our side: civil rights does not (or more accurately, isn't supposed to) depend on majority approval... Until we learn how to fight oppression systematically, all we can really do is... Read More
SGL Revolution in Addis Ababa
Here is a post fom the EthioGLBT yahoo group; a stunning report on how SGL life is taking more public and private space. The site emerged from the successful gayethiopians yahoo group with about 300 members, mostly in the diaspora and moderated in the US. Read More
Enjoy them all and prepare yourself to be the next headliner! :)
Good job!! Useful compilation. I have read some of it before and have stumbled upon new ones. I hope, Ethiopian zegas in despair everywhere can pull together their spirits, having read all these stories. Researchers and budding civil right fighters, this will certainly give you some clue about circumstances and thus, make you able to set your next agenda.
***And let's jump, 'being the next headliner' part, as I'm not ready at all. Is there anyone by the way?
ayeeeee... gebenachinin ebetachin sanawetawu endet media laye enawetalen... 'lam alegne besemay wetetiwan yemalaye' is the entire connotation... lol By the way, the debate in Warka is 'Two-thumps Up' but why did they stopped it? I also favor, We are gay and Ethiopian piece...check it out guys, if you still haven't!!
There is also an interesting story an old one and short but still interesting... Transgender man held ( And I didn't know habesha gay was out in GOD! Leoule...he is betam defar and brave...I wish he is leading nice life...
Yeah you are right manisho, 'We are Gay and Ethiopian', is one of the good ones. It's a timely and logical critique, thanks to the person who wrote it. And it looks like things are heating up in this blog...well done EG!!
I'm ready, I will be the next headliner but what's the reward?
Thanks Anonymous. Yeah as you can see it's getting cozy and wonderful...and it's because of guys like you who don't shun after reading the posts. And, nice remarks you guys are offering. A piece of writing always needs comments to accompany it to give it an extensive perception alongside with the hilarious commentaries to urge one read more and more. In the end, the more you read, the more you likely get acquainted with new stuffs. So, I guess that's what we're all trying to do here and all I can say is let's carry on my friends.
And etboy, I'm sure you don't demand to an extent like, Noble Prize or Guinness Book of World
First time to see the blog.....and this is really nice! Plz blog lots of stories in ethiopian gays...thank you!
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