When is the opening of the Africa Park?
Is the event shortly to be held in the park, for its inauguration?
For years, Addis dwellers have been waiting for it's launch and yet, still not opened for public. Though it looks finished, you can happen to see few workers doing something that I'm not exactly aware of. The greenery, the simple fence and the pavement with stylish carved blocks, gave it all the grace and the stamina to stay as one of the great features of the city.
Located in between the Palace at Menelik II Avenue and headquarter of ECA (Economic Commission for Africa), Africa Park was established by the founding fathers of OAU. On the establishment day, H.I.M. Haile Selassie I, Jomo Kenyatta, Kwame Nekrumah, Julius Nyerere and other leaders of African nations were in attendance to have planted trees as a sign of unity among nations, striving to peace and growth of their continent.
Considered to be since the military regime, the park started to deteriorate and not until recently, Sheik Mohammed Alamoudi felt he had to do something with it. The billionaire decided to renovate the park with considerable amount of investment and once again, the current leaders of Africa were available to implant their own trees to mark they have enhanced OAU to AU, targeting mainly on economic and social development along with spreading 'democracy'.
Recently, when I passed through that road, I saw people engaged with building sort of a stage. I speculated is the long awaited paradise to be opened, which then I decided to go back in a while. I managed to ask the guardian, when the park will be opened but nor does he has any clue as to when but he suppose the stages being constructed at the moment right in front of the flags scenery, could be for the inauguration but, still not certain.
It's been three years since the renovation operation commenced, as the guardian affirmed and that it's likely the park to be opened soon for the public as most part of the renovation is completed. He told me that most of the trees planted by the founding fathers still exist today and in fact, he pointed at the tree planted by his H.I.M. Haile Selassie I, even though I failed to spot.
The park also consists children playing field, waterfall sceneries and cottage-like bungalows likely to be shops and/or cafes.
For years, Addis dwellers have been waiting for it's launch and yet, still not opened for public. Though it looks finished, you can happen to see few workers doing something that I'm not exactly aware of. The greenery, the simple fence and the pavement with stylish carved blocks, gave it all the grace and the stamina to stay as one of the great features of the city.
Located in between the Palace at Menelik II Avenue and headquarter of ECA (Economic Commission for Africa), Africa Park was established by the founding fathers of OAU. On the establishment day, H.I.M. Haile Selassie I, Jomo Kenyatta, Kwame Nekrumah, Julius Nyerere and other leaders of African nations were in attendance to have planted trees as a sign of unity among nations, striving to peace and growth of their continent.
Considered to be since the military regime, the park started to deteriorate and not until recently, Sheik Mohammed Alamoudi felt he had to do something with it. The billionaire decided to renovate the park with considerable amount of investment and once again, the current leaders of Africa were available to implant their own trees to mark they have enhanced OAU to AU, targeting mainly on economic and social development along with spreading 'democracy'.

It's been three years since the renovation operation commenced, as the guardian affirmed and that it's likely the park to be opened soon for the public as most part of the renovation is completed. He told me that most of the trees planted by the founding fathers still exist today and in fact, he pointed at the tree planted by his H.I.M. Haile Selassie I, even though I failed to spot.

And no doubt such places will turnout to be a good environment to link up. When feeling lonely and opt to spend the time admiring nature, another person trapped in same situation is likely to be found there. And searching and finding love in that 'piece of heaven,' could become the parks ideal feature.
UPDATE l NOV 17, 2006 l 8:36 PM
Just a moment ago, I was at the barbershop and then I headed to home and on my way I saw a crowd at Meskel Square, all of them gazing at big plasma screen. And I gave a glance - it's a music concert. I asked one of the guys, what is it all about. He told me it's a live transmission of a music concert from Africa Park. What for was my subsequent question and he told me, it's an event arranged for the current assembly of the African leaders.
I just switched my route and headed to Africa Park. I began to hear sounds from distant though not clear enough to grasp. And when I reached there, I saw a tight security of the Federal Police, standing in every corner. And many cars parked around the fences. I tried to take pictures but couldn't do so, as people around the fences made crowd and at the same time, the federal police are demanding the people to disperse. But inside, there is a huge spectator sitting and chanting around the flag area. The music I heard is African tune and it sounds fine. At the back of the crowd there is a kind of buffet - and this is the time I had enough. :) I'm starving like hell and I better get home to have my dinner.
Overall, the event isn't for the inauguration of the Africa Park but arranged for the African leaders assemblies and I suppose, Koffi Annan is attending as well.
Just a moment ago, I was at the barbershop and then I headed to home and on my way I saw a crowd at Meskel Square, all of them gazing at big plasma screen. And I gave a glance - it's a music concert. I asked one of the guys, what is it all about. He told me it's a live transmission of a music concert from Africa Park. What for was my subsequent question and he told me, it's an event arranged for the current assembly of the African leaders.
I just switched my route and headed to Africa Park. I began to hear sounds from distant though not clear enough to grasp. And when I reached there, I saw a tight security of the Federal Police, standing in every corner. And many cars parked around the fences. I tried to take pictures but couldn't do so, as people around the fences made crowd and at the same time, the federal police are demanding the people to disperse. But inside, there is a huge spectator sitting and chanting around the flag area. The music I heard is African tune and it sounds fine. At the back of the crowd there is a kind of buffet - and this is the time I had enough. :) I'm starving like hell and I better get home to have my dinner.
Overall, the event isn't for the inauguration of the Africa Park but arranged for the African leaders assemblies and I suppose, Koffi Annan is attending as well.
Good article and the pictures too...i thought no one could enter, how were you able to shot the pictures? All in all, the place looks fabulous and can't wait to see it...thanks for sharing it!!
Glad you liked it and pleasure is all mine dear. You're right, it's not allowed to enter so I decided to take the pics from the fence. Don't know if that is prohibited too!? At least, there were no signs...lol
Yes. Can someone set a party there? Private Party or wedding?
it is nice place yes in deed i had remamber this place when i and my boy frinde play foot ball every saterday nad sund day morninig now it is looking really nice and i hope it will be opining soon
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